This site provides instructional materials (slides and videos) used for AST-Black Box Software Testing by the Association for Software Testing's own courses. All materials including updates made by the AST are Creative Commons-licensed.
These materials were pulled from the open source, creative commons licensed BBST® material at The Center for Software Testing Education & Research. The AST no longer uses the trademarked BBST® term but where applicable we note that BBST® is a registered trademark of Altom Consulting. (If you find this term used in our materials please file a bug.)
Note: This site is very much a work in progress
The goals of this project are simple:
Host updated materials used in our classes
Eventually provide self-study options
Create a backup of those public files in case www.testingeducation.org/BBST becomes unavailabile in the future.
We'd love to get your input on improvements, suggestions, grammar, outdated concepts or any other bugs that you find. You can file bugs here and then we will address them.
Last updated
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